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Per diventare grandi fotografi (1 in linea) (1) Visitatore
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Discussione: Per diventare grandi fotografi
Caristofane (Utente)
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Messaggi: 447
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Socio Nr.: 409 Sesso: Maschio Compleanno: 1964-12-15
Per diventare grandi fotografi 11 Anni, 3 Mesi fa Karma: 2  
What advice would you give young photographers?

1) Never think photography is easy. It’s like poetry in that it’s easy enough to make a few rhymes, but that’s not a good poem.
2) Study photography, see what people have achieved, but learn from it, don’t try photographically to be one of those people
3) Photograph things you really care about, things that really interest you, not things you feel you ought to do.
4) Photograph them in the way you feel is right, not they way you think you ought to
5) Be open to criticism, it can be really helpful, but stick to you core values
6) Study and theory is useful but you learn most by doing. Take photographs, lots of them, be depressed by them, take more, hone your skills and get out there in the world and interact.
Chris Steele-Perkins

“Photograph who you are!”
Bruce Gilden

Try not to take pictures, which simply show what something los like. By the way you put the elements of an image together in a frame show us something we have never seen before and will never see again. And remember that catching a moment makes the image even more unique in the stream of time. Also, try to do workshops with photographers whose work you admire, but first ask around to make sure they are good teachers as well as good photographers. Taking good pictures is easy. Making very good pictures is difficult. Making great pictures is almost impossible.
Constantine Manos

You must have something to “say”. You must be brutally honest with yourself about this. Think about history , politics, science, literature, music, film, and anthropology. What affects does one discipline have over another? What makes “man” tick? Today , with everyone being able to easily make technically perfect photographs with a cell phone, you need to be an “author”. It is all about authorship, authorship and authorship. Many young photographers come to me and tell me their motivation for being a photographer is to “travel the world” or to “make a name” for themselves. Wrong answers in my opinion. Those are collateral incidentals or perhaps even the disadvantages of being a photographer. Without having tangible ideas , thoughts, feelings, and something almost “literary” to contribute to “the discussion”, today’s photographer will become lost in the sea of mediocrity. Photography is now clearly a language. As with any language, knowing how to spell and write a gramatically correct “sentence” is , of course, necessary. But, more importantly, today’s emerging photographers now must be “visual wordsmiths” with either a clear didactic or an esoteric imperitive. Be a poet, not a technical “writer”. Perhaps more simply put, find a heartfelt personal project. Give yourself the “assignment” you might dream someone would give you. Please remember, you and only you will control your destiny. Believe it, know it, say it.
David Alan Harvey

... "Impara l'inglese!"
Emanuele Canino
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Ultima Modifica: 2013/06/03 18:12 Da Caristofane.
E\' un\'illusione che le foto si facciano con la macchina... si fanno con gli occhi, con la testa e con il cuore.
Henri Cartier-Bresson

Chi non sa fare una foto interessante con un apparecchio da poco prezzo, ben difficilmente otterrà qualcosa di meglio con la fotocamera dei suoi sogni.
Andreas Feininger
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alb.o (Utente)
utente gold
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Sesso: Maschio Ubicazione: Catania Compleanno: 1973-03-08
Re:Per diventare grandi fotografi 11 Anni, 3 Mesi fa Karma: 2  
You must have something to “say”. You must be brutally honest with yourself about this. (...) Be a poet, not a technical “writer”.
David Alan Harvey

...passaggio essenziale, sintesi perfetta di ciò che vorrei, di ciò che cerco! Il punto è proprio quello... il problema è prorpio quello: che cosa ho da dire io?

se non impari l'inglese, c'è sempre il tradutore di google!!! non vi ho detto nulla, non ditelo ad Emanuele...
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Caristofane (Utente)
Carpe diem!
utente platinum
Messaggi: 447
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Socio Nr.: 409 Sesso: Maschio Compleanno: 1964-12-15
Re:Per diventare grandi fotografi 11 Anni, 3 Mesi fa Karma: 2  
Eh, ....
E se compri un libro in inglese?
E se vuoi discutere con uno straniero o se sei all'estero? non importa dove!
L'inglese è e sarà sempre importante, te lo dice uno che ne mastica poco e se ne e vergogna come una bestia!
Ma tu non dirlo agli altri...

Però, come vedi, mi impegno...

A proposito...

Paolo Pellegrin

I believe photography – like many other things one does in life – is the exact expression of who one is at a given moment: every time you compose and release the shutter you give voice to your thoughts and opinions of the world around you. So other than the obvious patience (photography is a complex medium, a voice which requires time to develop) and perseverance and the necessary humility when dealing with others, I would recommend working to become a more developed and informed individual, a more knowledgeable and engaged citizen. This will translate into a deeper more complex understanding of the world around you, and ultimately into a richer and more meaningful photography.
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Ultima Modifica: 2013/06/03 23:53 Da Caristofane.
E\' un\'illusione che le foto si facciano con la macchina... si fanno con gli occhi, con la testa e con il cuore.
Henri Cartier-Bresson

Chi non sa fare una foto interessante con un apparecchio da poco prezzo, ben difficilmente otterrà qualcosa di meglio con la fotocamera dei suoi sogni.
Andreas Feininger
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GiuseppePagano (Utente)
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Compleanno: 1968-11-13
Re:Per diventare grandi fotografi 11 Anni, 3 Mesi fa Karma: 0  
When Constantine Manos states that “the way you put the elements of an image together in a frame show us something we have never seen before” he is right! I think that’s the key that leads to well done photos, it doesn’t matter what the subject is, that is one of the main path that will guide you to wonderful photographs. It's not easy, is not conquered in a short time, but I agree so much with this sentence, and my effort in photography are pointing in that direction.

Alberto, in my humble opinion, you shouldn’t lo too hard for “what do I have to say?” but instead be quite an listen … listen to yourself, listen the world surrounding you, the answer will come, and if the answer is not coming it means that you are not listening with enough attention. The goal to have “tangible ideas , thoughts, feelings, and something almost “literary” as expressed by David Alan Harvey it’s indeed achieved by studying and take photographs and making mistakes, but definitively it is achieved by listen to your inner emotional state, that, if you note, goes back to one of the axiom in photography “It is putting one's head, one's eye and one's heart on the same axis” written by Henry Cartier Bresson (Emauele, this time I stole “your” quote) and that state of mind is carried out by listen to yourself.

The phrase by Paolo Pellegrin regarding photography “is the exact expression of who one is at a given moment” enlighten me also about the feeling about photographs. Does ever happen to you to lo at a picture and see all the goods and appreciate this or that detail and being emotionally touched? And another day it’s like your are deaf (emotionally deaf)? You can’t see things or you cannot enjoy the photograph like you did before, and so on, it’s like your feeling is a sinusoid.

What I expressed are, obviously, only my opinions.

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Caristofane (Utente)
Carpe diem!
utente platinum
Messaggi: 447
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Socio Nr.: 409 Sesso: Maschio Compleanno: 1964-12-15
Re:Per diventare grandi fotografi 11 Anni, 3 Mesi fa Karma: 2  
Giuseppe, tanks for your contribute, but sorry, this isn't the right way!

Complimenti per il tuo inglese, Giuseppe, ma forse mi sono espresso male.
Il mio non era uno sfoggio di lingua, ma semplicemente un copia-incolla; alcuni approfondimenti in rete o nei libri li trovi solo in lingua inglese e se è vero, come dice Alberto, che esiste google-translate, è anche vero che le traduzioni sono spesso penose.
Le parole degli importanti autori citati mi sembrvano scolpite in maniera chiara e non volevo semplicemente sporcarle con una traduzione imprecisa. Chi conosce la lingua può leggere o ascoltare le parole degli autori così come sono state scritte o dette e questo è un grande privileggio.Inoltre può attingere a fonti altrimenti irraggiungibii.
Ma per favore non complichiamo ulteriormente la vita ai nostri amici e lettori usando la lingua inglese anche per parlare fra noi o finiranno per cambiare sito!

Cari saluti


PS. mi sia consentito esprimere ancora un parere. Non credo che Pellegrin intendesse dire che noi cambiamo il nostro sentire di momento in momento, ma piuttosto che il nostro sentire è individualmente influenzato da ciò che noi siamo in un determinato momento (culturalmente, emotivamente, etc). In my humble opinion, of course!
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Ultima Modifica: 2013/06/04 16:05 Da Caristofane.
E\' un\'illusione che le foto si facciano con la macchina... si fanno con gli occhi, con la testa e con il cuore.
Henri Cartier-Bresson

Chi non sa fare una foto interessante con un apparecchio da poco prezzo, ben difficilmente otterrà qualcosa di meglio con la fotocamera dei suoi sogni.
Andreas Feininger
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alb.o (Utente)
utente gold
Messaggi: 359
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Sesso: Maschio Ubicazione: Catania Compleanno: 1973-03-08
Re:Per diventare grandi fotografi 11 Anni, 3 Mesi fa Karma: 2  
Peppuzzo... ancora stiamo aspettando di bere un bel drink e parlare di fotografia... passa stasera e fissiamo l'appuntamento!!!!
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